A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Sunday 4 January 2015

Sunday - 4 January 2015


Today is the last day of my Christmas break holiday! NOOO. Why cant they just give us one more week! One more week wouldn't hurt! Oh well, all good things have to come to an end I suppose... The next holiday will be during chinese new year. Mid Feb to Mid March, so I cant wait for that! 8 WEEKS BREAK!!! :DDD

Today was a rather chill day. Felt pretty unproductive but its still the holidays, so what's new. Woke up at 5.40am to go for a run, but snoozed my alarm til 6.50am LOL. Quickly got ready and headed to the stadium. Started running at around 7.10am and ended at 8.10am. Exactly one hour! Woohoo! Managed to run a total of 14 rounds and walked i think 3 rounds. I totally lost count halfway aha! Good workout nevertheless. It was windy and cooling. I like to run real early at like 6am because it would still be dark and very chilly and windy. :) Next week most likely! :D 

Sunrise from the kitchen window

Pretty Skies

Came home, showered, changed up, lazed in bed for another hour and a half, then proceeded to take my breakfast because i was ravenous and honestly felt a binge coming on. So, i had a alive mixed berry yogurt, with a small banana! 

It was satisfying and I felt good after eating it. Managed to revise some work for about an hour, then lazed around somemore until it was lunch time! 

I had two of these popiah rolls. I love them! They're so cute, yummy and healthy! 

Parents bought 4 rolls altogether Yummy!

My sister and I sat at the dining table and chatted for around 1 hour and then we went back to the room, managed to get some work done for about an hour, then lazed around somemore. There was a lot of lazing around today. I'm just so restless and tired. Must enjoy before school reopens cos there will definitely be no time for any of that. Haha. 

Finally dinner time! :) Ate dinner at like 7.45pm which is kinda late for me because my dad, mum and sister came didn't come home til that late. Normally we would eat dinner at 6 or 6 plus.

Purple rice with pumpkin and potato soup, baked salmon. Had more salmon than what is shown in this picture. Close to one fillet haha! So good! 
I'm anxious for school tomorrow sigh! Plus, I'll be weighing myself tomorrow in the morning to see if the holiday binges have done any damage. I'm anticipating some weight gain. I really hope not though. Today was a relatively healthy day and I'm really happy about it! :) It feels like forever since i've had a healthy day since my Christmas break started two weeks ago! I guess my eating habits and healthy eating has to become a good habit! Gotta go mentally prepare myself for school tmr! 8am class and I end at 5pm OMG. Au revoir! 


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