A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Saturday 3 January 2015

Saturday - 3 January 2015


Comment allez vous? 

As you can tell, I'm learning French. Just started self leaning yesterday and ive learnt a few basic simple words like la pomme(the apple), bonsoir(goodbye), s'il vous plait(please) etc. I love french! Such an elegant and beautiful language. After french, im moving on to learning danish! Although i think danish is really quite hard. By the end of the year, I must be able to master french and speak it fluently. 

So today was not a good day at all. I binged again which sucks. :( It feels like it will never end but i know it will as soon as i gather up all my determination and willpower. Going for a run tomorrow morning again to sweat it all out. I've been throwing so much toxins and junk into my body, im in serious need of a cleanse! Only healthy foods from tomorrow onwards. Also, i've created a new instagram account called 'aroyalaffaire' so feel free to follow me! :D 

School begins again next monday ahhh! But it will be a short one. 5 weeks of school, 2 weeks of exams and Im done for Year 1! Thank God! :D WOOHOO. I will miss year 1 though but I honestly cant wait to move on to Uni. I'm thinking of going to a uni in London and taking up nutrition and dietetics so i can be a nutritionist or dietitian. So i can help girls going through what i am going through. I think after Uni, i might settle down in London and start a family there hopefully! I know a lot of people say England is a very boring and gloomy country but NO I HAVE TO DISAGREE. I have never been there but I just know in my heart that it is definitely not a boring country! 

Tomorrow will be a good day. I will make sure of it! 

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