A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Monday 12 January 2015

Monday - 12 January 2015


Sorry I havent posted in two days! I was super busy! I had to get many projects done and reports to do, homework to complete and tests to study for. I have 4 projects, 3 reports to submit by the end of the month and tests everyweek! Plus my finals are coming up in 4 weeks time! OMG. 

Today was a relatively good day for me! :D I woke up at 5.50am, got ready and went for a nice run/jog/walk in the stadium. Ran for 6.5 rounds and walked for 3.5 rounds. Around 40 mins altogether. A short workout in the morning really changes the course of the day! :D So glad I went for that much needed run, I wouldve regretted it if had I chosen to sleep in instead haaha.

Showered and got ready for school. For breakfast I had 4 papaya wedges diced up. It was cold, sweet and so juicy! Perfect for a post-run breakfast! :D That kept me energetic and satisfied til lunch. 

Lunch was at around 2pm, I bought subway turkey sub! I love this sub to bits! However, I shouldnt consume them too often. It being processed meat and all. Once a week perhaps? 

Turkey breast ham on multigrain bread no cheese, all veggies and no sauce! 

Another one hour lecture before I could finally come home or to my grandparent's house. ahah. I left my phone in the lecture hall so I had to walk all the way back again to retrieve it. Sigh Im so blur today! 

Reached home, settled down, copied down some notes and at 6.30pm, I had dinner! My grandparents packed us dinner and honestly, I wouldnt normally order these few dishes but I guess it's ok. :) 

White rice with steamed egg with minced pork, stir fried cabbage :)

Chilled at the dining table for a while before heading back to the room to complete copying my notes. Now, I have to study for two tests tomorrow! AHH. 

I think I'll just revise and try to copy down somemore notes before I go to bed at 10.30pm. School is at 9am tmr! So I have to wake up at 7am. Hope you guys had a good productive day! :D Ballet tomorrow evening and Im excited! Ballet classes were cancelled for the last two weeks and Im excited for class tmr! :D We are learning harder things now yipee!! Bye!


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