A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Monday 5 January 2015

Monday - 5 January 2015


First day of school and I'm exhausted! It's 7pm now and I think I will sleep at 10pm tonight. I have a presentation tomorrow and a class test as well. Well there's ballet class tomorrow night so that's good! :D 

I got back a few of my common test results and I did quite ok. Better than i expected honestly! But compared to my friend's I didnt do as well as them. I'm learning to stop comparing myself with others but compare myself with MYSELF. That's one of my new year's resolution this year and I'm planning on sticking to it!

My day started off really early. Woke up at 5.50am, got ready for school and all, and I weighed myself this morning. I dont know if I should reveal my weight here.... Oh heck it, my weight today morning was 56kg(Im 165cm btw). I was happy yet sad because Im happy I stayed relatively the same weight before the holidays despite eating loads more during the holidays but Im sad I didnt lose any weight whatsoever! So many mixed feelings. Moving on, I had my signature peanut butter banana oatmeal bar for breakfast! Haven't had this in ages!!!

 Miss it so much. Would've been nicer with cacao powder but there wasn't any here at the moment. 

Went to school, had lessons from 8am-1pm, then two hours lunch break cos lesson ended early today.  Had a caramel candy and a single potato chip my friend handed to me.. oh well. 

Had a turkey subway sandwich. I told the lady NO CHEESE PLS, but she still gave me cheese so.. a bit bummed about that.. 

So I had somemore lessons from 3-5pm and then it was time to go home! :D Reached home by changing 2 buses, took around 45 mins. It was so hot! I have no idea why particularly today, I felt like punching everyone. Sorry! But that is really my problem, I feel very uncomfortable around strangers and when they look at me, I feel like theyre judging me in one way or another. I have to change that mentality as well. 

So while waiting for the bathroom, I pinched off some home made fruit cake which I really shouldn't have but i felt peckish. Then after i came out of the toilet, I had dinner which I didn't manage to snap a picture of because my phone ran out of battery! Sorry! But it was just homemade vegetable tofu curry and porridge. Had a reasonable amount, controlled my portion size. :) 

Sat at the dining table for a while and chatted with my sisters before we went into the room. After this blog post, Im gonna start writing and rehearsing my script for the presentation tomorrow and then study for the class test. 

I really really really want to live in London! OMG ITS KILLING ME. Can I just migrate there now!? The people there seems really nice and I love everything about London. Ive read about it in books, newspapers, magazines, saw it in movies and shows, I have to go there one day and experience the life there! I should get going now, cant wait for Friday! Honestly, Im just counting down to the holidays, in 47 days!

How could you just not love London?

I neglected my French yesterday and Today cos Im really just too busy. Ill save that for when Im free maybe during the weekends! Cant wait for Vampire Diaries to come out again on 22nd January! Au revoir!


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