A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Friday 16 January 2015

Friday - 16 January 2015


It's finally friday! FINALLY. This week felt really long but short. I love it when time passes fast like  this! :D Another 5 more weeks of school + exams and I am done yesss.

My day started off really early as usual. Woke up at 5.30am and left the house at around 6.50am, went to school myself and reached at around 7.40am. Just nice! :D Before leaving the house, I grabbed a slice of my mum's homemade bread using the bread machine. It was so yummy and it was just really delicious. :) It was some wholegrain bread with raisins from the waitrosse bread mix.

Practical session til 10.30am and my friends and I went for brunch. I had iced coffee and a peanut butter waffle! The waffle was super yummy and only costs $1.10! I will definitely buy it again for sure! But I'll try chocolate with banana or sth like that for the filling the next time I buy it. :) Next monday maybe? :) Ah cant stop thinking about it. Haven't had a hot crispy waffle in ages! My cravings for anything that I felt like eating was satisfied. Makes sense? haha 

This picture does not do it justice. Super yummy! 

Then I had lecture til 12pm. Friends and I went to the library to finish up some work. At around 2pm I left school and went home. On the way home I stopped by some shopping hub to get peanut butter and some almonds and cashews because 2 packets for only $3.90 so why not? This old man was playing the harmonica and he was playing one of my favourite chinese song called lover's tears. I was so impressed but I didn't know if he was expecting money or anything so I didn't drop any money because I was scared that that if I did, he would be insulted if he wasn't one of those 'beggars'.  

Reached home, cleaned up and started on some slides for my project and I am almost done with it yipee! :D Then I had dinner with my family. I was ravenous because I haven't eaten anything since the waffles and coffee. It was really filling honestly. 

White rice, glass noddles, cabbage, tofu, meatball, chicken

I didnt eat any fruit at all today oh no! Shucks... After dinner, we all chilled and talked for a while. It's finally friday omg Ive been looking forward to this day since last Sunday ahha! Tomorrow night Im attending my cousin's wedding dinner and I haven't chosen a dress to wear yet yikes! I'll probably sleep at around 10.30pm tonight and wake up at 8am tomorrow morning. I'll talk to you guys again tmr! Au revoir! :) 


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