A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Friday 2 January 2015

Friday - 2 January 2015


Woke up real early today to go for a run. Set the alarm clock at 5.30am and snoozed it til 6am. Finally got my ass out of bed, changed up and walked to the stadium. Planned a total of 20 rounds but ended up only running around 13 rounds and walking the other 5 rounds. 

Around 6.30am? 

Around 7am? 

Surprisingly I wasn't tired after that but the tiredness hit me real hard at around lunch time. 

Got home, took a shower and grabbed a banana for my post run breakfast. I was honestly too lazy to prepare anything. Then lazed around and did some revision til lunch time, shared a pack of mixed vege rice with my sister. Packet consisted of sweet and sour pork, stir fried glass noodles, egg tofu and rice of course. A while after lunch, parents and my sister went out for fun. Mum went to the hairdressers while dad, my sister and I went for tea. 

We ordered ham and cheese sandwich, a slice of peanut butter chocolate cake and a slice of banana cake. Had 1/4 of the sandwich, some bites of the cakes each. Feeling guilty! Went to cold storage and finally got some medjool dates! YAY. 

We came home for dinner, and grandma cooked a lot as usual! I had some tablespoons of rice, some fried fish, stir fried broccoli, a popcorn chicken and some pork.

 ...Then after, we celebrated my mum's birthday and we got this caramel sea salt tiramisu which was super creamy and heavy and definitely very fattening ergh... 

Took one square!

Definitely ate too much today! Planned to detox today but all went down the drain damn it! At least i exercised today but i will watch my intake for tmr and sunday very carefully. School starts on Monday and honestly I cant wait cos at least I get to control my meals i have in school. For now, im constantly at home and bored so I tend to snack and eat a lot more which is not good since im trying to lose that few extra pounds! Plus my ballet class resumes next tuesday and no way am I gonna look bloated in my leotard! 

That's it for now, probably gonna head on and do some revision til around 11pm and then i'll be off to dreamland! My sister and I are planning to visit our old tuition teacher tmr. Not sure though, will have to see! :D 


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