A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Friday 16 January 2015

Friday - 16 January 2015


It's finally friday! FINALLY. This week felt really long but short. I love it when time passes fast like  this! :D Another 5 more weeks of school + exams and I am done yesss.

My day started off really early as usual. Woke up at 5.30am and left the house at around 6.50am, went to school myself and reached at around 7.40am. Just nice! :D Before leaving the house, I grabbed a slice of my mum's homemade bread using the bread machine. It was so yummy and it was just really delicious. :) It was some wholegrain bread with raisins from the waitrosse bread mix.

Practical session til 10.30am and my friends and I went for brunch. I had iced coffee and a peanut butter waffle! The waffle was super yummy and only costs $1.10! I will definitely buy it again for sure! But I'll try chocolate with banana or sth like that for the filling the next time I buy it. :) Next monday maybe? :) Ah cant stop thinking about it. Haven't had a hot crispy waffle in ages! My cravings for anything that I felt like eating was satisfied. Makes sense? haha 

This picture does not do it justice. Super yummy! 

Then I had lecture til 12pm. Friends and I went to the library to finish up some work. At around 2pm I left school and went home. On the way home I stopped by some shopping hub to get peanut butter and some almonds and cashews because 2 packets for only $3.90 so why not? This old man was playing the harmonica and he was playing one of my favourite chinese song called lover's tears. I was so impressed but I didn't know if he was expecting money or anything so I didn't drop any money because I was scared that that if I did, he would be insulted if he wasn't one of those 'beggars'.  

Reached home, cleaned up and started on some slides for my project and I am almost done with it yipee! :D Then I had dinner with my family. I was ravenous because I haven't eaten anything since the waffles and coffee. It was really filling honestly. 

White rice, glass noddles, cabbage, tofu, meatball, chicken

I didnt eat any fruit at all today oh no! Shucks... After dinner, we all chilled and talked for a while. It's finally friday omg Ive been looking forward to this day since last Sunday ahha! Tomorrow night Im attending my cousin's wedding dinner and I haven't chosen a dress to wear yet yikes! I'll probably sleep at around 10.30pm tonight and wake up at 8am tomorrow morning. I'll talk to you guys again tmr! Au revoir! :) 


Thursday 15 January 2015

Thursday - 15 January 2015


How are you guys doing? This is gonna be a short post because i have so much work to do! 

I miss Christmas alr! Chinese new year is coming soon though! And that'll be when my holidays start omg woohoo!!! :D Around 5 more weeks of school+exams and I AM DONE FOR YEAR 1 YESSS. 

I have been writing down notes etc for the past 2 and a half hours non stop! My hands hurt but I still have so much work to do! :( Today was an ok day? Do you guys ever do or say something and then later you think about it and regret like crazy and wish you didnt do what you did or say what you said? IT KILLS ME! Im always thinking about my past actions and I regret most of them... 

I'll probably sleep at 11pm tonight after I complete my work. Hope you guys had a great day! :D 


Wednesday 14 January 2015

Wednesday - 14 January 2015


I travelled so much today! I took 3 taxis altogether and I was out of the house from 6.30am-10.30pm OMG! I'm exhausted and I sprained my forearm cos of my heavy bag. ...great...

I woke up at 5.45am this morning and got ready and left the house. Managed to get a quick bite for breakfast before leaving the house. Just had equivalent to a slice of my mum's homemade bread which tasted weird but it was nice actually! Not too bad. 

Left the house at 6.30am and took a bus and mrt to telok blangah for some field trip... I was supposed to meet my friend at 8.45 but I reached at 7.20am. LOL. So I found a place to chill and relax while waiting for her. 

Chilled at this spot. It was breezy and relaxing! :D 

Then we went to keppel golf club and walked around etc. It was windy but super sunny and hot! 

 Then after that at 11am, we went to vivocity to continue doing our project. I bought Starbucks cos I was dying from thirst and it was super refreshing! I uploaded a picture of it on ig along with the peanut pancake! Had those for lunch. 

Then at 12.45pm, I took a taxi and rushed for piano because it starts at 1pm! Reached at 1.20pm. Piano went pretty well today! I felt like I improved :) My aural, however, was dreadful but now I dont feel as shy singing out loud. So thats good! :D 

Then at 2.30pm, I took a taxi to my sister's school to watch her dance for open house! I stayed in her school til around 5pm and then I took a bus and then taxi to my best friend's house to help her with her write ups for some administrative stuff. 

I had dinner at her house with her family and it was AWKWARD! I didnt know if i should take any dishes so i just took a bit of veggie and her dad was like "Dont be shy!". Then he piled so much dishes on my plate and I was like oh gosh. Im so uncomfortable right now! I hate eating with strangers cos I feel so awkward! Stayed at her house til 9.30pm helping her and played some piano for like 10 mins before my mum came. ahha. 

Brownie dessert. I had one slice. Took home the other slice along with two more slices her mum gave me for my sisters. 

Im home now! It 11pm! These few days ive been sleeping at 12am and I wake up at 5,30am. Im so tired but I have no choice! ;( 

Oh! BAD NEWS. I think in one of the previous posts, I said that on friday I end school at 11am and then I can go home after. BUT, now I have to stay back in school for 4 hours to complete a group project with my friends. :((( Next week I have 3 projects and presentations! The following week I have 3 reports to hand in and another individual presentation. Im super busy oh gosh the stress is really getting to me. :(

Im going to turn in soon because I have a full day at school tmr from 9am-4pm zzzz. Hope you guys had a great day! ;) 


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Tuesday - 13 January 2015


How are you guys? Well, I have so so so many homework and projects to do. Honestly Im seriously super intimidated! Let's see, from now til febuary, I have 4 projects/presentations, 2 reports and tests and practical tests! OMG. I really need to get my shit together. 

This is so true but its easier said than done. You cant just not care about some things although you wish you did. 

Now, Im just sitting down typing out this blog. Dance is at 8.15 so I have around 45 mins to spare before I have to change up and warm up. :) 

Today started off early. I was woken up by my sister's alarm clock at 5.30am because she has school at 8am, my oldest sister has work and has to be there by 7.30am and I have school at 9am. We all left the house at 6.30am and my mum dropped all my sisters off and then both of us went for breakfast! :D

We went to sunset at clementi for breakfast and I bought fan choy from this dim sum shop and it was homemade but their portion was TINY and it was $1.80. Not worth it at all. There was only 2 slices of charsiew meat and a small portion of rice underneath. I was expecting more but oh well. So i just had that. I was still hungry after though but my mum needed to rush off to send the car for servicing.

Pathetic portion! Everything is supposedly homemade so its more ex... 

I thought it wouldve looked like this! I like the khong guan one althought its super oily and quite salty. I used to buy it everyday from my former school and it has been ages since I had one. Disappointed though! 

Then my mum dropped me off at school and I got back my results for biostats! I got 81! I was in utter shock! I refused to believe it was my paper cos it's my first time getting an A for a paper in poly! I was like NONONO ARE YOU SERIOUS NO. PRAISE THE LORD!!! After that, there was another test for physiology and Im pretty sure I screwed that one up. Ill probably fail that one seriously. Erghh I studied so hard for it! As the saying goes, "you try your best but you dont succeed". LOL Coldplay feels over here. 

Anyway, after that horrible lecture session, my friends and I went for lunch. I had my usual vegetarian rice! I love it! :D So healthy and filling. Woohoo. 

Brown rice with pumpkin and black pepper mock meat! Super yummmy.

Oh yeah forgot to mention to you guys, my contact lenses was being a bitch this morning. 

Story time: The minute I put it on my eye, it BURNED! It was super painful, I started tearing so much and my eyes became bloodshot red in my right eye. Stupid me thought it was a good idea to try the other eye and it BURNED as well. Gosh, I dont function well in the mornings clearly. I opened a new pair of lenses and put it in the car and it was ok but my eyes were still red. Then in physio lecture, I decided to just wear my glasses cos it was so uncomfortable! Thank God I brought my glasses along! :D First time wearing glasses out in since I first got my contact lenses 6 years ago! I felt conscious at first but after a while I just didnt give a damn. Im still wearing my glasses now but I will have to wear it later for ballet and after that Ill take it out immediately!

Got back my chemistry test results as well and I thought I wouldve done better. Everything is so unexpected now. Sigh. Cant be too certain of anything anymore. 

After school, I went home and changed up, did some work for a while and then changed up, munched on some homemade bread which by the way, did not look or taste anything like bread but it was still nice. I should rest my eyes now while waiting for my friend. Talk to you guys tmr! :D Have a great evening! 


Monday 12 January 2015

Monday - 12 January 2015


Sorry I havent posted in two days! I was super busy! I had to get many projects done and reports to do, homework to complete and tests to study for. I have 4 projects, 3 reports to submit by the end of the month and tests everyweek! Plus my finals are coming up in 4 weeks time! OMG. 

Today was a relatively good day for me! :D I woke up at 5.50am, got ready and went for a nice run/jog/walk in the stadium. Ran for 6.5 rounds and walked for 3.5 rounds. Around 40 mins altogether. A short workout in the morning really changes the course of the day! :D So glad I went for that much needed run, I wouldve regretted it if had I chosen to sleep in instead haaha.

Showered and got ready for school. For breakfast I had 4 papaya wedges diced up. It was cold, sweet and so juicy! Perfect for a post-run breakfast! :D That kept me energetic and satisfied til lunch. 

Lunch was at around 2pm, I bought subway turkey sub! I love this sub to bits! However, I shouldnt consume them too often. It being processed meat and all. Once a week perhaps? 

Turkey breast ham on multigrain bread no cheese, all veggies and no sauce! 

Another one hour lecture before I could finally come home or to my grandparent's house. ahah. I left my phone in the lecture hall so I had to walk all the way back again to retrieve it. Sigh Im so blur today! 

Reached home, settled down, copied down some notes and at 6.30pm, I had dinner! My grandparents packed us dinner and honestly, I wouldnt normally order these few dishes but I guess it's ok. :) 

White rice with steamed egg with minced pork, stir fried cabbage :)

Chilled at the dining table for a while before heading back to the room to complete copying my notes. Now, I have to study for two tests tomorrow! AHH. 

I think I'll just revise and try to copy down somemore notes before I go to bed at 10.30pm. School is at 9am tmr! So I have to wake up at 7am. Hope you guys had a good productive day! :D Ballet tomorrow evening and Im excited! Ballet classes were cancelled for the last two weeks and Im excited for class tmr! :D We are learning harder things now yipee!! Bye!


Friday 9 January 2015

Friday - 9 January 2015


Did many things today! :D Felt productive but not in school work haha.... 

Woke up, checked instagram and saw this post from patricia zhou. I was like OMG CAN I HAVE YOUR FEET AND LEGS. haha. #LIFEGOALS

Woke up at around 7.30am, followed my mum and dad to visit my grandma in the hospital because she fractured her spine when she fell down. :( I dont know about you but when i fall on my butt it hurts like that immediate moment. I dont know how to describe it but it hurts and its so shocking. My grandma is 70+. Thank god she fell on her butt and it didnt break anything else. She just has to rest for now and the bone will heal.

At around 11am, we went to the coffee shop for lunch. I didnt eat any breakfast so I was pretty hungry. I ordered yi mee. I felt like eating dried mince pork noodles but I dont know why I ordered this. Do you guys ever get that? I felt like eating this but end up ordering something else? So weird.

My phone runs out of battery really fast.
We went to check our house for a while, I played the piano while my mum and dad discussed with the workers problems and stuff. There isnt any progress on the house at all! Ergh makes me angry just thinking about it.. 

At around 1.30 we left the house and my parents sent me back to my grandparents house first while they went to get some lights, so I could get ready for piano. :) Reached home at around 2, lazed around til 3pm, went to get a mini pineapple mango cream bun for a snack cos I felt peckish. Got ready and left the house at around 4.30pm. 

Reached my teacher's piano school at 5pm and stayed there to use the studio to practice piano til around 6.30pm and then I left to go back to the hospital to meet with my dad and visit my grandma again. Haha :) 

Private practice session woohoo!

Took the train and walked mostly all the way there. Reached at around 7.30pm. Dad and grandpa was there for hours from lunch time. I stayed for half an hour and then we left to have dinner. I wanted dumpling noodles but they had no more! So i just ordered this Japanese salmon and chicken teriyaki bento set. I had no idea they would deep fry the chicken. I tried scraping off all the chicken skin and sadly the chicken was 80% fat, 20% meat so it looked like i left all the chicken behind when actually, it was all the yucky gross fatty skin. 

Now Im home, Im on my period now so i feel so bloated and gross all the time!! ergh! Tmr I have to be in school from10am-2pm to help out with the open house.. I didnt even volunteer but the teachers volunteered us. Half my saturday is gone.  Boo :,( 

I think Ill sleep at around 11pm tonight. I hope you guys had a great day! :D 

Thursday 8 January 2015

Thursday - 8 January 2015


I apologize for not posting yesterday! I was in a terrible state. Thank God there wasn't any school today or I'd be a sour lemon!!! 

Woke up at 7am this morning and went for a run from 7.30-8.30am. Managed to run around 11 rounds altogether and walk 2 rounds. I lost count halfway again.

Lazed the entire day because I just felt like it. Watched 3 movies altogether. V for Vendetta, Blended and That awkward moment. I think blended was my favourite out of the three because it was so funny and I love Adam Sandler and Drew barrymore. :) 

Probably gonna laze around til tonight. Short post today. Hope you guys have a great evening! :D 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Tuesday - 6 January 2015


Hope you guys have been good so far! :D The day started off early as usual. Woke up at 5.40am because my sister's alarm clock went off and I woke up from my dream! ahhh! Slept til 6.45am, my own alarm clock rang this time. Changed up and ate breakfast etc. Usual morning routine. Had a banana peanut butter sandwich for breakfast today! :D Wanted to have my bar but i thought wouldnt freeze in time since I was gonna put it in the fridge for like half an hour only. 

Class started at 9am. School ended at around 12.45pm today cos the afternoon lessons were cancelled woohoo! I didn't know whether I should go out or just come home. It was raining so i thought it would be best if i just came home. :) Thank God I came home! Because today's ballet class is cancelled since my teacher isnt feeling well. Damn it I wish there was ballet cos i really miss dance! It's ok ill practice ballet in the room haha. 

At around 2pm, i had lunch! My peanut butter banana oatmeal bar! So yummy! Then I had some granola like over a cup and it was really filling and very calorific, oh well. 

This is sooo good! 

Copied down some notes for around 2 hours and now Im just resting. I guess i'll sleep early tonight. Maybe around 10.30pm. I plan to play the ukulele and just chill and do some revision. I have no more plans for the rest of the day.

Next up, DINNER TIME. We had dinner at around 8pm because we waited for my dad and mum to get home so we could eat together. I told Grandma I like the salmon she cooks so she cooks it every single day now that we are staying here temporarily. :') I feel so loved. Anyway here was my plate! Looks like quite little but it was a reasonable portion! Took some more salmon after I snapped this picture. Hehe.

Ketupat rice with salmon and stir fried broccoli and carrots. :) My favourite combo!

Gonna sleep soon maybe in an hours time? Today was a good day overall! :D Ballet was cancelled though :(
I hope you guys had or have a great day! :DD


Monday 5 January 2015

Monday - 5 January 2015


First day of school and I'm exhausted! It's 7pm now and I think I will sleep at 10pm tonight. I have a presentation tomorrow and a class test as well. Well there's ballet class tomorrow night so that's good! :D 

I got back a few of my common test results and I did quite ok. Better than i expected honestly! But compared to my friend's I didnt do as well as them. I'm learning to stop comparing myself with others but compare myself with MYSELF. That's one of my new year's resolution this year and I'm planning on sticking to it!

My day started off really early. Woke up at 5.50am, got ready for school and all, and I weighed myself this morning. I dont know if I should reveal my weight here.... Oh heck it, my weight today morning was 56kg(Im 165cm btw). I was happy yet sad because Im happy I stayed relatively the same weight before the holidays despite eating loads more during the holidays but Im sad I didnt lose any weight whatsoever! So many mixed feelings. Moving on, I had my signature peanut butter banana oatmeal bar for breakfast! Haven't had this in ages!!!

 Miss it so much. Would've been nicer with cacao powder but there wasn't any here at the moment. 

Went to school, had lessons from 8am-1pm, then two hours lunch break cos lesson ended early today.  Had a caramel candy and a single potato chip my friend handed to me.. oh well. 

Had a turkey subway sandwich. I told the lady NO CHEESE PLS, but she still gave me cheese so.. a bit bummed about that.. 

So I had somemore lessons from 3-5pm and then it was time to go home! :D Reached home by changing 2 buses, took around 45 mins. It was so hot! I have no idea why particularly today, I felt like punching everyone. Sorry! But that is really my problem, I feel very uncomfortable around strangers and when they look at me, I feel like theyre judging me in one way or another. I have to change that mentality as well. 

So while waiting for the bathroom, I pinched off some home made fruit cake which I really shouldn't have but i felt peckish. Then after i came out of the toilet, I had dinner which I didn't manage to snap a picture of because my phone ran out of battery! Sorry! But it was just homemade vegetable tofu curry and porridge. Had a reasonable amount, controlled my portion size. :) 

Sat at the dining table for a while and chatted with my sisters before we went into the room. After this blog post, Im gonna start writing and rehearsing my script for the presentation tomorrow and then study for the class test. 

I really really really want to live in London! OMG ITS KILLING ME. Can I just migrate there now!? The people there seems really nice and I love everything about London. Ive read about it in books, newspapers, magazines, saw it in movies and shows, I have to go there one day and experience the life there! I should get going now, cant wait for Friday! Honestly, Im just counting down to the holidays, in 47 days!

How could you just not love London?

I neglected my French yesterday and Today cos Im really just too busy. Ill save that for when Im free maybe during the weekends! Cant wait for Vampire Diaries to come out again on 22nd January! Au revoir!


Sunday 4 January 2015

Sunday - 4 January 2015


Today is the last day of my Christmas break holiday! NOOO. Why cant they just give us one more week! One more week wouldn't hurt! Oh well, all good things have to come to an end I suppose... The next holiday will be during chinese new year. Mid Feb to Mid March, so I cant wait for that! 8 WEEKS BREAK!!! :DDD

Today was a rather chill day. Felt pretty unproductive but its still the holidays, so what's new. Woke up at 5.40am to go for a run, but snoozed my alarm til 6.50am LOL. Quickly got ready and headed to the stadium. Started running at around 7.10am and ended at 8.10am. Exactly one hour! Woohoo! Managed to run a total of 14 rounds and walked i think 3 rounds. I totally lost count halfway aha! Good workout nevertheless. It was windy and cooling. I like to run real early at like 6am because it would still be dark and very chilly and windy. :) Next week most likely! :D 

Sunrise from the kitchen window

Pretty Skies

Came home, showered, changed up, lazed in bed for another hour and a half, then proceeded to take my breakfast because i was ravenous and honestly felt a binge coming on. So, i had a alive mixed berry yogurt, with a small banana! 

It was satisfying and I felt good after eating it. Managed to revise some work for about an hour, then lazed around somemore until it was lunch time! 

I had two of these popiah rolls. I love them! They're so cute, yummy and healthy! 

Parents bought 4 rolls altogether Yummy!

My sister and I sat at the dining table and chatted for around 1 hour and then we went back to the room, managed to get some work done for about an hour, then lazed around somemore. There was a lot of lazing around today. I'm just so restless and tired. Must enjoy before school reopens cos there will definitely be no time for any of that. Haha. 

Finally dinner time! :) Ate dinner at like 7.45pm which is kinda late for me because my dad, mum and sister came didn't come home til that late. Normally we would eat dinner at 6 or 6 plus.

Purple rice with pumpkin and potato soup, baked salmon. Had more salmon than what is shown in this picture. Close to one fillet haha! So good! 
I'm anxious for school tomorrow sigh! Plus, I'll be weighing myself tomorrow in the morning to see if the holiday binges have done any damage. I'm anticipating some weight gain. I really hope not though. Today was a relatively healthy day and I'm really happy about it! :) It feels like forever since i've had a healthy day since my Christmas break started two weeks ago! I guess my eating habits and healthy eating has to become a good habit! Gotta go mentally prepare myself for school tmr! 8am class and I end at 5pm OMG. Au revoir! 


Saturday 3 January 2015

Weight Loss Journey 2015


For those of you who have been following me on my instagram for a while, will know that I came from a background of eating disorders and still do. I had anorexia, lost a ton of weight and then binge eating disorder came on and i gained back all the weight plus more. So now Im desperately trying to lose the weight that ive gained. 

2015. New year, new me. I already screwed up the first 3 days of 2015 by binging on junk food, but i am not letting it ruin my entire year! I have to keep reminding myself its only 3 days out of 365 days. 

Ultimately, my goal is to get down to 50kg by the end of this month. I can do it once i put my mind to it. Here are my goals! :) 

10 Jan - 53kg 
17 Jan - 52kg
24 Jan - 51kg 
31 Jan - 50kg  

This is kinda creepy dont you think? 


All these pictures are really motivating. It's not only about weight loss, but about my health too. Nutrition is really important for skin, hair etc. So no way am i gonna waste my calories on junk food.

1kg a week seems reasonable. Although now im probably 56kg from all the holiday binging. But for next week, when school reopens, i will eat healthy, lesser food and drink more water, Im confident i can lose 3kg from all the waste and excess water in my body. Fingers crossed! Stay tuned for my daily post tonight on how my day went. Au revoir! 


Saturday - 3 January 2015


Comment allez vous? 

As you can tell, I'm learning French. Just started self leaning yesterday and ive learnt a few basic simple words like la pomme(the apple), bonsoir(goodbye), s'il vous plait(please) etc. I love french! Such an elegant and beautiful language. After french, im moving on to learning danish! Although i think danish is really quite hard. By the end of the year, I must be able to master french and speak it fluently. 

So today was not a good day at all. I binged again which sucks. :( It feels like it will never end but i know it will as soon as i gather up all my determination and willpower. Going for a run tomorrow morning again to sweat it all out. I've been throwing so much toxins and junk into my body, im in serious need of a cleanse! Only healthy foods from tomorrow onwards. Also, i've created a new instagram account called 'aroyalaffaire' so feel free to follow me! :D 

School begins again next monday ahhh! But it will be a short one. 5 weeks of school, 2 weeks of exams and Im done for Year 1! Thank God! :D WOOHOO. I will miss year 1 though but I honestly cant wait to move on to Uni. I'm thinking of going to a uni in London and taking up nutrition and dietetics so i can be a nutritionist or dietitian. So i can help girls going through what i am going through. I think after Uni, i might settle down in London and start a family there hopefully! I know a lot of people say England is a very boring and gloomy country but NO I HAVE TO DISAGREE. I have never been there but I just know in my heart that it is definitely not a boring country! 

Tomorrow will be a good day. I will make sure of it! 

Friday 2 January 2015

Friday - 2 January 2015


Woke up real early today to go for a run. Set the alarm clock at 5.30am and snoozed it til 6am. Finally got my ass out of bed, changed up and walked to the stadium. Planned a total of 20 rounds but ended up only running around 13 rounds and walking the other 5 rounds. 

Around 6.30am? 

Around 7am? 

Surprisingly I wasn't tired after that but the tiredness hit me real hard at around lunch time. 

Got home, took a shower and grabbed a banana for my post run breakfast. I was honestly too lazy to prepare anything. Then lazed around and did some revision til lunch time, shared a pack of mixed vege rice with my sister. Packet consisted of sweet and sour pork, stir fried glass noodles, egg tofu and rice of course. A while after lunch, parents and my sister went out for fun. Mum went to the hairdressers while dad, my sister and I went for tea. 

We ordered ham and cheese sandwich, a slice of peanut butter chocolate cake and a slice of banana cake. Had 1/4 of the sandwich, some bites of the cakes each. Feeling guilty! Went to cold storage and finally got some medjool dates! YAY. 

We came home for dinner, and grandma cooked a lot as usual! I had some tablespoons of rice, some fried fish, stir fried broccoli, a popcorn chicken and some pork.

 ...Then after, we celebrated my mum's birthday and we got this caramel sea salt tiramisu which was super creamy and heavy and definitely very fattening ergh... 

Took one square!

Definitely ate too much today! Planned to detox today but all went down the drain damn it! At least i exercised today but i will watch my intake for tmr and sunday very carefully. School starts on Monday and honestly I cant wait cos at least I get to control my meals i have in school. For now, im constantly at home and bored so I tend to snack and eat a lot more which is not good since im trying to lose that few extra pounds! Plus my ballet class resumes next tuesday and no way am I gonna look bloated in my leotard! 

That's it for now, probably gonna head on and do some revision til around 11pm and then i'll be off to dreamland! My sister and I are planning to visit our old tuition teacher tmr. Not sure though, will have to see! :D 
