A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Wednesday - 31 December 2014


I can't believe it's the last day of 2014!! Honestly looking back at this year, there were some great memories and some not so great ones. I entered a new school this year and needless to say, I miss all my former school friends. :( But I thank God for providing me with good friends in my new school. 

Speaking of which, I went back to school today to do continue the project with my friends and also gave two of them a surprise belated birthday party! :)

I woke up at 5.20am and snoozed my alarm all the way til 6am. Then I managed to get up and I went for a run at the stadium from 6.15-7am, 7 rounds jogging/running and 4 rounds of walking! It was super cooling and dark. Amazing. I will definitely wake up early to run again! 

Felt so refreshed after that! :D 

After that, I went home to wash up and get ready to leave the house, had a banana for my post-run breakfast because I was rushing out of the house to buy the cakes and other stuff. 

Ugly but yummy banana! 

Managed to get the cakes! Mango mousse and Oreo cheesecake.

 The mango cake was good! But the Oreo cheesecake was a disappointment, didn't taste anything like cream cheese, just pure cream. :( I couldn't buy from bread talk because their cakes weren't displayed yet! 

Hopped into a cab and went to school, met my other friend at 9.20am+ to set up the surprise. Long story short, it was successful in the end! They were genuinely surprised, thank God! 

The set up! 

My plate of cakes 

We managed to add in somemore things for our project and we bought lunch. I bought mushroom sauce pasta and popcorn chicken. Half of the chicken I gave to my friends. 

Feeling kinda regretful eating this for lunch but oh well. :( 

Then my parents along with my sister, fetched me from school to go back to my house that is renovating so I can practice the piano for a while. :) 

After which, we went to holland village and walked around to find some appliances for the house. Parents and sister sat down for tea but I was too full to have anything. Before leaving, my sister and I bought some fruits, I bought pineapple chunks, my sister bought pear and we got my mum some guava. 

We came over to my grandparent's house for a short visit and stayed for around an hour. 

Finally back home and was given a Godiva chocolate by my sister! Dark chocolate tempered! :) yummy!

For 'dinner' cos i didnt rly have a proper one, was 4 papaya wedges. 

Anyway I'm gonna stay up til 12 tonight! I'm excited for 2015 but anxious too! Hope 2015 will be a great year for you all and hopefully it'll be a great one for me too! God bless you all and this is the last post for 2014! HAPPY NEW YEAR! WOOHOO!!! 

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