A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Sunday 28 December 2014

Monday - 29 December 2014


I'm sitting at Starbucks now writing this blog post. It's around 1.20pm and I've been sitting here since 9am and I've seen people come and go. I decided to come out today to chill here and get some work done. Well, mostly escape from the problems I have at home with my family. Let's just say I'm not on good terms with almost everyone at this moment. :( I'm a problem child I guess. :/

My house is under renovation at the moment so my sisters, brother and my mum are staying at my grandparent's house. I dont mean to complain or anything but i really really really cannot wait to move back home. I find that when you stay with someone you aren't really supposed to stay with for a while, it isn't very good. It can either strengthen a relationship or maybe tear it apart somehow. Well, I sure hope the renovation will be done by next month. I have my piano exams in feb/march and I seriously need to practice the piano!!!

My Christmas break ends next week and I have class on Monday from 8am-5pm with only an hour lunch break! :'( Thank God there isn't any school on Thursday and Friday because of the open house. I have a feeling i would have to meet my group mates to do our project though. AHHH.

For those of you who follow me on instagram, you would know that my instagram account mainly revolves around dance, food and my eating disorder. Well, I'll give you a brief summary of my ED. I developed anorexia at age 12 and suffered from til around age 14. Now i am weight restored but i have a new eating disorder which is like binge eating mixed with anorexia. I'm fighting very hard through it. I'm glad to say i am getting better everyday thanks to the support im getting from all of you! Currenly, my stats are 123lbs, 5ft 5inches. My goal weight is 115lbs. I got down from 130 lbs and i am very proud of that so far!!! :D

I am still sitting at starbucks and for breakfast, i went to cold storage and bought this charlie's smoothie.

A little sour for my taste but it's not bad. Just that I wouldnt buy it again because it's quite price-y. Then around 2 hours later, I was ravenous! So i got a roasted chicken and vegetable wrap from starbucks. Not bad i must say but the chicken tasted weird?


I think I'll be meeting my parents and my sister later for dinner since they went to my uncle's office for a meeting regarding the renovation. My uncle is a designer so he's in charge of it all. I CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW THE HOUSE TURNS OUT! SO EXCITED!

Random thought, I'm pretty sad Christmas is over. Technically, it's not over yet because 12 days of Christmas but the Christmas spirit is no longer lingering around anymore. Christmas is actually over on Christmas day. I seriously hope next year will be a better year for me because honestly 2014 has been a pretty crappy year for me. The only thing I am pleased about is that i joined a ballet school with my friend. After so long, i managed to pluck up the courage to join a ballet school. :) I truly miss my school dance team. Ive been dancing for 10 years now btw and ive danced contemporary, ballet and chinese dance. DANCING AND MUSIC IS MY LIFE.

My computer is running low on battery oh no. Well, if you have any questions you would like to ask me or anything you want to know more about me, feel free to comment below! :) I'll talk to you guys in the next post!


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