A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Sunday 28 December 2014

HEY THERE! About me :)

Hey there!!!

I'm pretty excited about this new blog! I created a blog before but i deleted it a few months ago. Now im creating a new blog for 2015. I plan to write a blog post everyday for the next 365 days and these 3 days leading up to 2015. :) The reason why i created this blog is because honestly, i felt like it and it'll be fun to document my daily life and look back at it once in a while so memories wont get lost in time. So now, here is some info about me :) Sorry i cant reveal my real name!

I named my blog a royal affaire because my current favourite movie at the moment is 'The Royal Affair'. I've watched it numerous times! It is super awesome! The film is in Danish with bits of English here and there. The chemistry between Mads Mikkelsen and Alicia Vikander is so AMAZING and really believable. He is twice her age in real life but they look so sweet and romantic. My favourite scene is the masquerade ballroom dance scene. It is so epic. Here are some pictures to drool over.

So about me :D

Gender : Female
Age : 17
Fav artists/group : Libera Boy's Choir(If you haven't heard them sing yet, GO, cos you're missing out!), Taylor swift, Coldplay.
Fav food: Rye bread sandwiches, wraps, pumpkin pie, japanese sweet potatoes.
Hobbies: Ballet, piano. MUSIC IS LIFE

I'll discuss and talk a lot about food, recipes, dance, movies and what i did during the day on my blog! :D Sorta like a lifestyle blog.

I guess i'll reveal more about myself down the road. :D

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