A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Tuesday - 30 December 2014


Today was a long, long day. So exhausted from the activities today. Well, I slept at around 12am last night and woke up at 7am this morning. 

Started off my day with a bottle of nu smoothie, i just refilled the charlie's bottle with the smoothie i bought.  

Sorry for the crappy quality, I took this in a dark room so I had to use a flashlight haha. 
 I garauntee you this is the only healthy thing i had today either than a banana for my mid morning snack. :( In need of a cleanse!!! 

Around late morning, my dad, sister and I went in search of light switches for the new house. We shared a dark chocolate carmen bar amongst the three of us. I was starving and quite cranky by then because it was already 2pm and none of us had taken lunch yet! We were supposed to meet my uncle and other people to confirm the renovation ideas. We took lunch first and i had wonton noodles. I scoffed it down cos i was just so hungry.

Then for dessert, my sister and I went to get taiyaki mochi. I got the green tea filled one and she got the Belgium chocolate filled one. It was okay, not that great. 

After staying in the office for around half an hour more, we went to shop for my sister's school uniform because she left it at our house and it is packed into boxes and we have no idea which box her uniform is in. HAHA. 

After that, we went for dinner at macdonalds.... I got the crispy spicy chicken mcwrap. I felt like i shouldve gotten a regular chicken burger cos the wrap was super duper filling. Had some fries and coke light as well.

We went home after buying some bananas and biscuits from the supermart. This day has been long yet it passed so quickly. 

I really need to start doing revision because when school reopens, there will be a physiology test on the endocrine system! So much for a christmas break, I have 3 projects due when school reopens as well. Tomorrow I'm meeting some of my friends in school to celebrate two of my friend's birthdays and also attempt to complete the projects. Dreading schoo next week because all of us will be getting back the rest of our test results oh gosh. Im buying a mango cake and a chocolate cheesecake for them. Oh no more cake! :( My mum's birthday is on 2nd January and I have yet to get her a gift. I was thinking of getting her a wallet. 

Im getting up at around 5am tomorrow so I can go for a quick run, then quickly get my friend's present and buy all the cakes as well. I'll probably just read through my notes and relax for now. Have a good evening! :D  


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