A Royal Affaire

A Royal Affaire

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Thursday - 1 January 2015 Happy New Year!


Just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

May 2015 be filled with blessings, new experiences, happiness, joy and laughter. I love each and every single one of you out there. Let 2015 be a good one! Cheers! 

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind? 
Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
and auld lang syne? 

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
for auld lang syne. 

Happy new year! Best wishes to you and your loved ones. 

Wednesday - 31 December 2014


I can't believe it's the last day of 2014!! Honestly looking back at this year, there were some great memories and some not so great ones. I entered a new school this year and needless to say, I miss all my former school friends. :( But I thank God for providing me with good friends in my new school. 

Speaking of which, I went back to school today to do continue the project with my friends and also gave two of them a surprise belated birthday party! :)

I woke up at 5.20am and snoozed my alarm all the way til 6am. Then I managed to get up and I went for a run at the stadium from 6.15-7am, 7 rounds jogging/running and 4 rounds of walking! It was super cooling and dark. Amazing. I will definitely wake up early to run again! 

Felt so refreshed after that! :D 

After that, I went home to wash up and get ready to leave the house, had a banana for my post-run breakfast because I was rushing out of the house to buy the cakes and other stuff. 

Ugly but yummy banana! 

Managed to get the cakes! Mango mousse and Oreo cheesecake.

 The mango cake was good! But the Oreo cheesecake was a disappointment, didn't taste anything like cream cheese, just pure cream. :( I couldn't buy from bread talk because their cakes weren't displayed yet! 

Hopped into a cab and went to school, met my other friend at 9.20am+ to set up the surprise. Long story short, it was successful in the end! They were genuinely surprised, thank God! 

The set up! 

My plate of cakes 

We managed to add in somemore things for our project and we bought lunch. I bought mushroom sauce pasta and popcorn chicken. Half of the chicken I gave to my friends. 

Feeling kinda regretful eating this for lunch but oh well. :( 

Then my parents along with my sister, fetched me from school to go back to my house that is renovating so I can practice the piano for a while. :) 

After which, we went to holland village and walked around to find some appliances for the house. Parents and sister sat down for tea but I was too full to have anything. Before leaving, my sister and I bought some fruits, I bought pineapple chunks, my sister bought pear and we got my mum some guava. 

We came over to my grandparent's house for a short visit and stayed for around an hour. 

Finally back home and was given a Godiva chocolate by my sister! Dark chocolate tempered! :) yummy!

For 'dinner' cos i didnt rly have a proper one, was 4 papaya wedges. 

Anyway I'm gonna stay up til 12 tonight! I'm excited for 2015 but anxious too! Hope 2015 will be a great year for you all and hopefully it'll be a great one for me too! God bless you all and this is the last post for 2014! HAPPY NEW YEAR! WOOHOO!!! 

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Tuesday - 30 December 2014


Today was a long, long day. So exhausted from the activities today. Well, I slept at around 12am last night and woke up at 7am this morning. 

Started off my day with a bottle of nu smoothie, i just refilled the charlie's bottle with the smoothie i bought.  

Sorry for the crappy quality, I took this in a dark room so I had to use a flashlight haha. 
 I garauntee you this is the only healthy thing i had today either than a banana for my mid morning snack. :( In need of a cleanse!!! 

Around late morning, my dad, sister and I went in search of light switches for the new house. We shared a dark chocolate carmen bar amongst the three of us. I was starving and quite cranky by then because it was already 2pm and none of us had taken lunch yet! We were supposed to meet my uncle and other people to confirm the renovation ideas. We took lunch first and i had wonton noodles. I scoffed it down cos i was just so hungry.

Then for dessert, my sister and I went to get taiyaki mochi. I got the green tea filled one and she got the Belgium chocolate filled one. It was okay, not that great. 

After staying in the office for around half an hour more, we went to shop for my sister's school uniform because she left it at our house and it is packed into boxes and we have no idea which box her uniform is in. HAHA. 

After that, we went for dinner at macdonalds.... I got the crispy spicy chicken mcwrap. I felt like i shouldve gotten a regular chicken burger cos the wrap was super duper filling. Had some fries and coke light as well.

We went home after buying some bananas and biscuits from the supermart. This day has been long yet it passed so quickly. 

I really need to start doing revision because when school reopens, there will be a physiology test on the endocrine system! So much for a christmas break, I have 3 projects due when school reopens as well. Tomorrow I'm meeting some of my friends in school to celebrate two of my friend's birthdays and also attempt to complete the projects. Dreading schoo next week because all of us will be getting back the rest of our test results oh gosh. Im buying a mango cake and a chocolate cheesecake for them. Oh no more cake! :( My mum's birthday is on 2nd January and I have yet to get her a gift. I was thinking of getting her a wallet. 

Im getting up at around 5am tomorrow so I can go for a quick run, then quickly get my friend's present and buy all the cakes as well. I'll probably just read through my notes and relax for now. Have a good evening! :D  


Sunday 28 December 2014

Monday - 29 December 2014


I'm sitting at Starbucks now writing this blog post. It's around 1.20pm and I've been sitting here since 9am and I've seen people come and go. I decided to come out today to chill here and get some work done. Well, mostly escape from the problems I have at home with my family. Let's just say I'm not on good terms with almost everyone at this moment. :( I'm a problem child I guess. :/

My house is under renovation at the moment so my sisters, brother and my mum are staying at my grandparent's house. I dont mean to complain or anything but i really really really cannot wait to move back home. I find that when you stay with someone you aren't really supposed to stay with for a while, it isn't very good. It can either strengthen a relationship or maybe tear it apart somehow. Well, I sure hope the renovation will be done by next month. I have my piano exams in feb/march and I seriously need to practice the piano!!!

My Christmas break ends next week and I have class on Monday from 8am-5pm with only an hour lunch break! :'( Thank God there isn't any school on Thursday and Friday because of the open house. I have a feeling i would have to meet my group mates to do our project though. AHHH.

For those of you who follow me on instagram, you would know that my instagram account mainly revolves around dance, food and my eating disorder. Well, I'll give you a brief summary of my ED. I developed anorexia at age 12 and suffered from til around age 14. Now i am weight restored but i have a new eating disorder which is like binge eating mixed with anorexia. I'm fighting very hard through it. I'm glad to say i am getting better everyday thanks to the support im getting from all of you! Currenly, my stats are 123lbs, 5ft 5inches. My goal weight is 115lbs. I got down from 130 lbs and i am very proud of that so far!!! :D

I am still sitting at starbucks and for breakfast, i went to cold storage and bought this charlie's smoothie.

A little sour for my taste but it's not bad. Just that I wouldnt buy it again because it's quite price-y. Then around 2 hours later, I was ravenous! So i got a roasted chicken and vegetable wrap from starbucks. Not bad i must say but the chicken tasted weird?


I think I'll be meeting my parents and my sister later for dinner since they went to my uncle's office for a meeting regarding the renovation. My uncle is a designer so he's in charge of it all. I CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW THE HOUSE TURNS OUT! SO EXCITED!

Random thought, I'm pretty sad Christmas is over. Technically, it's not over yet because 12 days of Christmas but the Christmas spirit is no longer lingering around anymore. Christmas is actually over on Christmas day. I seriously hope next year will be a better year for me because honestly 2014 has been a pretty crappy year for me. The only thing I am pleased about is that i joined a ballet school with my friend. After so long, i managed to pluck up the courage to join a ballet school. :) I truly miss my school dance team. Ive been dancing for 10 years now btw and ive danced contemporary, ballet and chinese dance. DANCING AND MUSIC IS MY LIFE.

My computer is running low on battery oh no. Well, if you have any questions you would like to ask me or anything you want to know more about me, feel free to comment below! :) I'll talk to you guys in the next post!


HEY THERE! About me :)

Hey there!!!

I'm pretty excited about this new blog! I created a blog before but i deleted it a few months ago. Now im creating a new blog for 2015. I plan to write a blog post everyday for the next 365 days and these 3 days leading up to 2015. :) The reason why i created this blog is because honestly, i felt like it and it'll be fun to document my daily life and look back at it once in a while so memories wont get lost in time. So now, here is some info about me :) Sorry i cant reveal my real name!

I named my blog a royal affaire because my current favourite movie at the moment is 'The Royal Affair'. I've watched it numerous times! It is super awesome! The film is in Danish with bits of English here and there. The chemistry between Mads Mikkelsen and Alicia Vikander is so AMAZING and really believable. He is twice her age in real life but they look so sweet and romantic. My favourite scene is the masquerade ballroom dance scene. It is so epic. Here are some pictures to drool over.

So about me :D

Gender : Female
Age : 17
Fav artists/group : Libera Boy's Choir(If you haven't heard them sing yet, GO, cos you're missing out!), Taylor swift, Coldplay.
Fav food: Rye bread sandwiches, wraps, pumpkin pie, japanese sweet potatoes.
Hobbies: Ballet, piano. MUSIC IS LIFE

I'll discuss and talk a lot about food, recipes, dance, movies and what i did during the day on my blog! :D Sorta like a lifestyle blog.

I guess i'll reveal more about myself down the road. :D